Roberto Gómez Bolaños
Here are some of the best quotes from our beloved Chespirito and his memorable characters. Reuters

With a sad heart, we said goodbye to Roberto Gómez Bolaños, also known as Chespirito. He died on Friday, Nov. 28 from heart failure at his home in Cancún, Mexico. He was 85. On Saturday, Televisa, home of his greatest shows and characters, organized a funeral inside the studios where he spent most of his time. After landing at the Toluca airport in México City his remains were transported to Televisa San Angel where hundreds of celebrities paid their respects to the late actor.

Everyone gathered at "La Plaza De Las Estrellas" to remember and say one last goodbye to "Chespirito." His widow, Florinda Meza was there, as well as Carlos Villagrán (Quico) and Edgar Vivar (Sr. Botija). On Sunday, Chespirito’s remains were taken to the Estadio Azteca for a massive memorial service open to the public, where thousands gathered to pay their respects and say one last goodbye to this comedic legend. Although Chespirito might not be with us anymore, his famous quotes and phrases will forever be engraved in our memories and hearts. Here are just some of them in Spanish.

“Fue sin querer queriendo”

“Se me chispoteó”

“Para qué te digo que no si sí”

“¡Síganme los buenos!”

“No contaban con mi astucia”

“Que no panda el cúnico”

“Silencio, mis antenitas de vinil están detectando la presencia del enemigo”

“¿Insinúa que estoy viejo?”

“Es que no me tienen paciencia”

“Lo sospeché desde un principio”

“Todos mis movimientos están fríamente calculados”

“Tómelo por el lado amable”

“Es que me dio cosa”

“Es que prefiero evitar la fatiga”

“No hay de queso nomás de papa”

“Fíjate, fíjate, fíjate, fíjate”

“¿Sabías que la gente sigue diciendo que tú y yo estamos locos?”

“Bueno, pero no se enoje”

“Eso, eso, eso”

“Lo último que se pierde es la barriga, señor Esperanza”

“¡Pues al cabo que ni quería!”

“Sí tengo padres, nomás no me los han presentado”

“Primero muerto antes que perder la vida”

“La venganza nunca es buena, mata el alma y la envenena”

“Se aprovechan de mi nobleza”

“Cría cuervos y tendrás cuervitos, pero cría burros y esos sí te sacaran los ojos”

“En casa del herrero, se amanece más temprano”

“¡Chanfle!, ¡¡rechanfle!!, ¡¡¡recontrachanfle!!!”

“Un error lo comete cualquiera... 500 errores los comete cualquiera”

“¡Aguas, aguas!”

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