Birth Control Pills. Representation image.
Birth Control Pills. Representation image. Pixabay

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert for saying she previously didn't buy birth control because it was too expensive, even though Boebert voted against expanding access to the pills.

"I went to get birth control and I was there at the counter and went to pay for it and the price was very, very high," Boebert said during a hearing on Tuesday.

Boebert represents Colorado's 3rd congressional district.

Boebert, who strongly opposes abortion, said she asked the pharmacist if that was the price for a three-month or six-month prescription, but was told it was only the cost for one month's supply. She then said the pharmacist told her it was cheaper to have a kid.

"And now I have my third son, Kaydon Boebert, and so it actually turned out to be a really great thing," she added.

AOC tweeted on Tuesday saying, "And then she voted against the right to contraception so she could double this problem and give it to the next person."

She appears to be referring to the unsuccessful Right to Contraception Act, which was co-sponsored by Ocasio-Cortez in the last Congress. It would have protected a person's ability to access and use contraceptives and to access information about contraception.

Boebert was among the 195 Republicans who voted against it. The bill was passed by the House but was blocked by Republicans in the Senate, and didn't become law.

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