iPhone 5S Release Date News: iPhone To Feature Biometric Fingerprint Sensor
New iPhone to feature biometric fingerprint sensor. Apple

The iPhone 5S may be here sooner than you think. According to All Things D, Apple is planning to unveil its new phone at a press event Sept. 10. If that does happen, it was be two days shy of a year since the tech giant presented its iPhone 5 to the world. It's been said that CEO Tim Cook has been under pressure to get the newest, innovative products into the market faster.

RELATED: iPhone 5S Release Date News: iOS 7 Code Points To Biometric Fingerprint Sensor For Apple's Next Device [PHOTOS]

"ATD's Ina Fried reported the date late Saturday, adding that the unveiling of Apple's Mac OS X, aka Mavericks, isn't expected at the purported September 10 event, and that there's no indication that an Apple television or smartwatch project is 'close to debuting,'" CNET reported.

According to CNET, there will also be a 5C, jokingly nicknamed "5 Cheap" as it is a more affordable product made of plastic that users may purchase in lieu of the pricier 5S. This announcement comes along with rumors that Apple's newest phone will host features such as fingerprint recognition. The iPhone 5S will, however, include dual LED flash on the back of the phone to improve picture quality.

RELATED: iPhone 5S Release Date Rumors: Next Generation iPhone Set To Have Dual LED Flash But No Fingerprint Scanner

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