Actor Channing Tatum, 33, and his wife, actress Jenna Dewan-Tatum, 32, welcomed their first child last week. The gender of the Tatums' newborn is not yet know. He or she was born in London, UK, on Thursday May 30.
The couple said they were absolutely prepared to become parents. "I'm ready [and] I think she's ready," Channing Tatum said.
Channing and Jenna met eachother while filming "Step Up" in 2006 and later married in 2009. Channing Tatum was born in Alabama, and started out working odd jobs from roofing to even stripping. He was eventually discovered by a talent scout while living in Florida, which led to his future as a model and later an actor. Jenna Dewan-Tatum was born in Connecticut and later worked as a background dancer for Janet Jackson.
On the subject of how many children the Tatums wanted to have, Channing couldn't help but extrapolate. "The first number that pops into my head is three...It's really easy for us guys to say 'I want like 15 kids'", a comment he said would likely aggravate his wife.
The child's name was also not yet released.
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