“Community” is a sitcom created by Dan Harmon that ran for 110 episodes over six seasons that ran from 2009 to 2014. It wrapped up in June 2015 and little has been known since then.
There has been chatter that a movie could be happening to reunite the original cast. This is not the first time possibly seen the American TV sitcom to come out. Harmon even entertained the idea although he had reservations about it.
In July 2021, Harmon wrestled with the philosophical dilemma of creating the movie in the first place.
"It’s fan service. Why would there be a Community movie? Who do you think is going to walk in off the street and buy popcorn and sit and watch a Community movie like that? They deserve to be punished. Why are they doing that?" Harmon said.
However, several people linked to the people were open to the idea of seeing “Community” be a movie. Initially, there was Joel McHale, claimed in September 2021 that there were things in place for such a movie.
A year before that, Nicole Brown also appeared confident that a “Community” film would be coming out.
The recent one to give her take is Alison Brie. She appeared on “The Wrap” podcast and provided some interesting takes on a possible reunion of the “Community’s” original cast.
"There’s been some talks. People are talking and certain things -- wheels are turning. I said it!" After initial excitement, Brie elaborated on the state of the proceedings. "I’m saying there are legitimate conversations that are happening," Brie said.
"Whether or not they will ever turn into an actual movie -- I would love it if they did, and I hope that they do, but the fact alone that actual real conversations are happening is I think the most progress we’ve ever made on that front," she added.
With nothing set in stone, fans who followed the sitcom can enjoy all the six seasons that are currently streaming on Netflix.
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