Tyrion Lannister
The moment Tyrion Lannister sees a dragon for the first time in season 5 of "Game of Thrones." HBO

As we know, season five of “Game of Thrones” is coming to an end on Sunday and we couldn’t be more excited (or sad.) The last few episodes have put us at the edge of our seats and we think we can foresee some of the character’s future more clearly at this point. If you are still reading we’re going to go ahead and assume you’re all caught up. If not, DO NOT KEEP GOING… Or do at your own risk because there’s plenty of SPOILERS AHEAD!

After episode 8, where we saw what the phrase “winter is coming” has meant all along, we learned that, either Jon Snow is the chosen one, or dragon glass is the only thing that can save the north from Whitewalkers; This brings us to conclude the following: Jon Snow needs Daenerys as she is the ‘Mother of Dragons,’ and these two 'chosen ones' will have to form an alliance to make more dragon glass, conquer the north and keep moving until Daenerys rules the seven kingdoms, perhaps with Snow. But, brace yourselves; there’s a chance that Jon Snow wont make it to season 6. Here’s why we think that: Olly has been acting quite suspicious since his idol and mentor Jon Snow decided to become allies with the Wildings… sooo, we think there might be a chance that Jon Snow’s welcome back includes a stab in the back by his own people... perhaps even a fatal one.

Speaking of Daenerys, we think it’s safe to assume she’ll keep Tyrion Lannister close. Not just because he represents something her enemies want very badly, but because she sees how valuable and strategic he can be to lead her army. Especially now that she’s regained trust in her dragons, and knows they will protect her.

But what’s going on in King’s Landing? Well, it pretty much belongs to the Septum at this point. Queen Mother Cersei Lannister made a Machiavellic move to finish the Tyrells by incarcerating Queen Margaery’s brother for his sexual preferences, but only empowered the religious group to the point where she ended up locked in a cell for her numerous sins as well. This time there’s no king to save them all because King Tommen is too distressed, young and weak to fight against anyone. While Jamie Lannister is away in Dorne rescuing their daughter, Myrcella Baratheon, he’s not heard about what’s happening with his family. We’re hoping he gets word before his return and decides to stay in Dorne, where he can at least protect his daughter. We like Jamie.

The preview shows Sansa Stark is in deep trouble saying, “If I’m going to die…” Since she married psycho Ramsay Bolton in her childhood home of Winterfell, she’s had no way out, and all her plans of escaping have miserably failed. But we fear not; our favorite knight Brienne of Tarth is waiting to come in and save her. Ramsay will perhaps join his father and leave for war, or things could get bloody in there when Sansa is rescued. Now that she knows who her bastard brother Jon Snow has become and that her brother Brann is not dead, she has all the more reasons to come out alive.

As for Arya Stark, who’s been training to unbecome herself, to become a faceless man, we think she will not finish her training and instead go find and fight for her family. There’s are new visitors in town and she’s been hearing things that will propel the feisty Stark to go and avenge her family! What are your predictions for the season finale and future of your favorite characters!?

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