Juan de los Santos, the Mayor of East Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic, was shot dead on Tuesday, December 15 in his office. De los Santos was killed by a man recently identified as Luis Féliz, who allegedly had worked for the Mayor. The cause of the shooting is still unknown, but it’s been said that the man wanted to speak to De los Santos and had been waiting for him the whole morning.
Eventually, Féliz allegedly broke into De los Santos’ office, where the Mayor had been in a meeting and shot him in the head and chest, killing him. When a security agent identified as Archi de Jesús Medina tried to approach the shooter, he also got shot at and killed. The murderer then proceeded to take his own life, according to Dominican press.
De los Santos was famously known as “Juancito Sport,” name of the business he created to place sports bets, which turned into a famous franchise in the Dominican Republic. He tried his luck in politics running for office in 2002, where he was a member of Congress until 2006, when he was elected as Mayor of East Santo Domingo. He ran for a second term in 2010, which would’ve ended in 2016.
The Mayor leaves behind a wife and five kids, two of them toddlers, which De los Santos had been with just hours before he was killed as he attended a Christmas event at their school, and posted on social media how proud he was of his little ones.
Compartiendo el último día de clases con mis dos chiquitos, junto a sus compañeros de aula, en la celebración de la Navidad, en su colegio.
Posted by Juan de los Santos on Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Me uno al dolor que embarga la familia del alcalde Juan de los Santos. Lo recordaré como una persona solidaria y entregada a su comunidad.
— Jorge Zorrilla Ozuna (@ZorrillaOzuna) December 15, 2015
Quiero expresar en mi nombre y en el de todo el PRD mi más sincero pésame y condena por el asesinato de Juan de los Santos en su despacho.
— Miguel Vargas (@MiguelVargasM) December 15, 2015
Lamentamos profudamente vil asesinato de Juan de los Santos. Condenamos de la forma más enérgica la violencia y exhortamos se haga justicia.
— Víctor - Ito -Bisonó (@itobisono) December 15, 2015
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