LeBron James
LeBron James Getty Images | Ethan Miller

After the Lakers' 19-point victory over the Portland Trailblazers last night, LeBron James spoke to the media and called them out for not asking about Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones but asking about Kyrie Irving.

A photo of Jerry Jones recently emerged that shows him as a 14-year-old at a desegregation event in 1957. When Irving was suspended for failing to apologize after promoting an anti-semitic film, James was questioned on his thoughts on the situation.

“I was wondering why I haven’t gotten a question from you guys about the Jerry Jones photo, but when the Kyrie thing was going on, you guys were quick to ask questions about that,” said James to reporters.

LeBron James is one of the more outspoken athletes, especially in the NBA. James used to be a Cowboys fan but recently said that he wasn’t during an Instagram Live.

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