Trudy Campbell
Alison Brie portrays Trudy Campbell in "Mad Men." Creative Commons

After a lukewarm premiere of the season 6 of AMC hit "Mad Men," Sunday night's "The Collaborators" has brought fans back to the intertwining, rollercoaster plots that hooked them up in previous seasons.

The explosive beginning took us deeper into Don Draper's troubled childhood - something fans had been waiting for for six seasons. The delivery, however, was slightly disappointing as it wasn't anything we weren't already imagining. A young Dick Whitman moves into the brothel were his aunt lives, and where the sleazy owner gets it on with his pregnant mother. The flashback, brought back through Draper's affair with Sylvia Rosen, makes a connection between the antihero's incapability to be faithful and the way he grew up.

Regardless of the sloppiness of the realization, we did get to see Draper's meltdown in front of his door by the end of the episode, showing that the protagonist might be in for another identity crisis.

But the true hero of this episode is none other than Trudy Campbell. The seemingly mousy housewife grew a pair on Sunday, when she told her cheating husband, Pete, to quit it. In the best line of the episode, if not the entire show, she said that she was "drawing a 50-mile radius around this house, and if you so much as open your fly to urinate, I will destroy you." Zing.

Other storylines in the episode brought us a work-challenged Peggy, who lets slip in a piece of confidential news, and a newly absent Joan.

Tune in for "Mad Men" on Sundays at 9 p.m. EST on AMC.

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