We all know that if you want to be successful in professional sports, you need to take care of your health as much as possible and eliminate all the bad habits. People usually think about drugs, alcohol, junk food, and cigarettes when they think about bad habits, but what about vaping?

Vaping is extremely popular and it started as a healthy alternative to smoking. Surprising as it might sound, a lot of professional athletes either smoke or used to smoke. Many athletes have converted from smoking cigars and cigarettes to vaping and they’ve realized that their performance has drastically improved. Many people forget that professional athletes are human too and they like eating junk food, having a drink, or even smoking.

Can Vaping And Sports Mix?

Although many people think that professional athletes live a healthy lifestyle all the time, that’s in some cases far from the truth. There are a lot of famous athletes who not only smoke but drink as well and go out almost every night. Some of the athletes with the worst habits out there include Alex Rodriguez, Jack Wilshere, former NBA superstar Michael Jordan, Randy Moss, Mario Balotelli, Tom Brady, and many more.

When it comes to vaping, the research says that it’s a much healthier thing than smoking cigarettes, but it’s still considered a bad habit. When vape pens were first introduced to the world, they were a way to quit smoking and many people have used them exactly for that reason. A large percentage of people have successfully quit smoking due to vape pen usage but have continued using vaporizers nonetheless.

There are both good and bad side effects of using vaporizers. When it comes to professional athletes, the best thing would be not to use them at all because they have a small side effect on their performance, but it’s still a better solution than regular cigarettes or cigars. If vape pens are used moderately, and with the right vape oils, athletes can slightly boost their performance.

Nicotine-Based And Nicotine-Free Vape Oils Are Available

Use of vape pens isn’t regulated by law in the vast majority of the world although some countries prohibit the use of this technology. If you’re an athlete and you’re concerned with how vaping will affect your performance, you can choose between nicotine-based and nicotine-free vape oils. You can also find CBD vape oils which have the biggest effect on the consumer.

When it comes to people who need to think about their physical performance, choosing a nicotine-free vape oil is the best option in the long run. When it comes to short-term effects, a nicotine-based vape oil can improve performance because nicotine is a stimulant. Non-smoking nicotine use is popular amongst athletes in team sports where strength and endurance play a key role. Vaping doesn’t cause shortness of breath, but you can get a dose of nicotine by vaping. This can give you an energy boost and it has a good effect on cardio.

Why Athletes Use Nicotine Anyway?

Vaping became popular just a few years ago so there’s not that much research done in that field. The connection between nicotine and physical performance, on the other hand, has been a research topic for many years and there is a lot of information regarding this subject.

Nicotine is used for a lot of reasons. Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit, but nicotine provides a lot of benefits as well. One of the reasons why professional athletes use nicotine is because it improves concentration, which leads to improved performance overall. It does include some health risks as well but if used on a non-consistent basis, it can help athletes get an edge on their competition.