Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport sets record for world's fastest car at 267.8 mph Bugatti

Earlier this year, the record for the World's Fastest Car was claimed by the Hennessey Venom GT after it set a top speed of 265.7 mph. For engineers-gone-wild, the title for the World's Fastest Car is the holy grail. An incredible achievement, the Texas-based specialized vehicle manufacturer has been proudly gloating over its title for months. However, does the title truly belong to Hennessey? Enter the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

Last week, the officials of the Guinness Book of World Records conducted a second review of its World's Fastest Production Car category. According to the Guinness World Record, the mighty Bugatti Veyron Super Sport has regained and now remains the holder of the prestigious title as the world's fastest.

In 2010, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport posted a time of 267.8 mph. However, other challengers for the top speed title have challenged Bugatti of the record's validity. Unlike the standard Bugatti Veyron Super Sports, the particular Super Sport model used for the top speed run had its 258 mph speed limiter removed to allow a handy additional 10 mph.

Does the disabled speed limiter render the Super Sport ineligible for the record? Not so, according the the Guinness World Records governing body. Following its review last week, Guinness Records determined that the modification to the speed limiter does not alter the fundamental design of the car or its 16 liter, quad-turbo, 1,200-hp engine.

Guinness World Record announced:

Following a thorough review conducted with a number of external experts, Guinness World Records is pleased to announce the confirmation of Bugatti's record of Fastest production car achieved by the Veyron 16.4 Super Sport.

The focus of the review was with respect to what may constitute a modification to a car's standard specification.

Having evaluated all the necessary information, Guinness World Records is now satisfied that a change to the speed limiter does not alter the fundamental design of the car or its engine.

An enormous achievement for Bugatti, its Veyron supercar is regarded by some as the Concorde of the road. In addition, The convertible Super Sport variant Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse also set the World's Fastest Production Car record for open-top vehicles with a top speed of 254.04 mph. At this point, the record has not been verified by the Guiness World Records.

Have you seen the world record top speed runs? Don't blink during the following top speed videos below: