Strict diet plans can be daunting and difficult for the average person to follow and maintain with consistency. While the combination of various methods of maintaining weight loss is ideal for it to succeed, it is still possible to do this without doing an overhaul on your diet. There are actually several proven techniques that can aid in keeping calorie intake low without imposing drastic changes to one’s eating habits.

In this article, we discuss 15 methods people can use to lose weight without dieting. These are tips proven to be effective in weight loss, as well as in the prevention of gaining weight. These are tips based on scientific advice from experts and scholars.

1. Eat more high-protein foods

Proteins have been proven to strengthen the body and prevent obesity. In a research study, it was concluded that high-protein meals would produce good improvements in aspects such as appetite or body weight management. It is an essential part of a healthier diet and is vital to ensuring growth and better metabolism. In addition, it can also generate a feeling of fullness and put off hunger.

2. Prioritize fiber-rich foods

The benefits of fiber-rich foods include an increased feeling of fullness, slowed down digestion, increasing food transit time or digestion and nutrient absorption and preventing constipation. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Fiber on the skin of most vegetables can also be of benefit when consumed as long as it is washed thoroughly.

3. Choose healthier snacks

According to a study from recent years, almost a third of people’s daily energy intake comes from the snacks they consume. Another study also showed that people with more prepackaged convenience foods in stock at home or at work found it more challenging to maintain weight loss or prevent weight gain. Switching to healthier snacks can help you avoid unnecessary intake of unhealthy sugar and fats.

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4. Lessen consumption of processed foods

Processed, prepackaged foods are usually those with more salt, sugar and fats. People usually purchase these because they are the most prevalent and most convenient. Lessening the consumption of processed foods can help lower the intake of these fattening substances. A little more effort is required to cook up meals but the health benefits from the decreased intake of sugar, salt and fats would be worth it.

5. Drink more water

Keeping hydrated and drinking eight glasses of water a day, as per the universal standard, can both assist in weight loss and improve your overall health. Water is way better for weight loss than drinks with high sugar and calorie content. It cleanses and revitalizes the body at the most basic level.

6. Cut down on sugary drinks

Common drinks found in stores and groceries are sodas, fruit juices, energy drinks and instant coffees. Switching to less sugary alternatives such as water or herbal tea will decrease your sugar intake significantly.

7. Serve food in smaller portions

The consensus of a standard portion or serving size has enlarged over the last few decades. This can be seen especially in restaurants. Evidently, larger servings of food encourage people to eat more, increasing the chances of weight gain and obesity. Serving yourself smaller portions can help in conditioning your body to eat less.

8. Use smaller plates

Another way to serve food in smaller portions is to use smaller plates. According to a research study on psychology, using smaller plates when eating would affect the brain’s perception of portion control and energy consumption.

The standard food plate is also bigger today than it was a few decades ago. This trend contributes to how much people would view it as a standard serving.

9. Get adequate rest

Proper rest is often neglected by people but this actually has significant effects on a person’s appetite and weight gain. A consistent lack of sleep can disturb the hormones regulating a person’s appetite. These are leptin and ghrelin. When these hormones fluctuate, it can also affect a person’s appetite and develop irregular habits, resulting in sporadic hunger and cravings for unhealthy food.

10. Avoid stressors

Being exposed to conditions that raise stress levels can also disrupt a person’s hormonal balance. Feeling stressed increases the body’s production of hormones called glucocorticoids. Too many of these also lead to an increase in appetite and craving for unhealthy food.

11. Chew slowly and chew more

Chewing thoroughly and slowly gives the brain time to process that you’ve had enough to eat. It gets you eating more slowly which is linked with generally decreased food intake, an increased feeling of fullness and smaller serving consumption. Chewing more slowly also helps your digestive system break down what you eat more thoroughly before entering the stomach.

12. Never skip breakfast

Although skipping the first meal can be seen as a way of cutting down calorie intake, it actually just inclines you to snack throughout the day or overeat for lunch. Having a full breakfast can help curb your hunger for the rest of the day. One case study from Tel Aviv University found that participants who ate a 600-calorie breakfast and a light lunch and dinner lost an average of 40 pounds more than those who had a relatively light breakfast.

13. Start exercising

This is the ultimate way to lose weight without having to sacrifice your favorite foods and treats. While the combination of a good diet and workout plan is the most ideal for weight loss, proper exercise is a good enough way not only to lose weight but also to improve fitness and bolster your overall health.

14. Eat more ‘good’ fats

A popular belief is that healthy food is basically food with low fats. However, some fats can actually be beneficial in achieving weight loss. In particular, monosaturated fats can help shed some weight. These are the good fats found in avocados, olive oil and nuts, among others. Eating a controlled amount of these can provide a rich source of nutrients while comprising a balanced diet.

15. Don’t shop while hungry

People are still susceptible to making a mistake when trying to lose weight even before food is stocked. Shopping while hungry is a common bad habit that gets people to impulsively buy more than what they need. Psychologically, when you are hungry, you would naturally be inclined to buy more food that are in line with your cravings.

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weight loss diet
There are ways people can use to lose weight without dieting. PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

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