Back to school
Whether your kids are returning to the classroom or just setting up on the dining room table, next school year is going to be somehow unusual, find here a list of tips to make your buying and preparation process easier and less stressful. Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

This fall returning to school or college is going to be unusual. Whether your kids are going back to the classroom or they will take the classes virtually your buying and preparation process might be more stressful than previous years.

To help you make this easier find below a list of tips to help you and your kids getting ready and excited for the next school year.

5 Tips for Getting Your Kids or You Ready (And Excited) for School

  • Restore Normalcy with Back-To-School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping lets us all start new as we convince ourselves over a pile of new supplies that this is the year we are going to stay organized. This year, you can save time, money, and upper-lip sweat by doing your shopping online. You can find everything from dry erase boards and snacks to everything for your new college dorm on Amazon’s Ready for School and Off to College guides.

It may seem unnecessary to buy new mechanical pencils for virtual learning when you can just use the ones in your junk drawer, but there’s something cathartic about opening a new pack of pens the night before the first day of classes. Maybe it’s a placebo, but fresh supplies can make all of us surprisingly enthusiastic about long school days. You can also personalize notebooks and binders with stickers and art, whatever makes it more exciting to get them out of the drawer or backpack.

  • Upgrade Your Gadgets

Quarantine has expanded our creativity and adaptability. Whether it has been doing Zoom workout classes or using Audible instead of the library, technology has provided the community spaces we rely on. Virtual schooling last spring caught us off guard, but now we get a do-over. Check below some of the products that could make your life a little easier no matter where you are connecting from!

  1. Over-Ear Headphones for Kids or Adult Wireless Headset

Sharing spaces at home or in the dorm might be challenging so a good set of headphones is key so no one has to attend multiple classes that you didn’t even sign up for.

2. Fire HD 8 Kids Edition Tablet

Amazon’s all-new Fire Tablet for Kids is an educational and recreational tool with access to over 20,000 games, videos, Audible books, and content from PBS Kids, Nickelodeon, Disney, and more.

3. Kindle Kids Edition

With libraries closed and local bookstores slowed down, Kindles are more convenient than ever. Textbooks and assigned reading can be downloaded immediately and the glare-free display is easy on the eyes after hours of screen time.

4. Echo Auto

Taking a road trip to college? Take Alexa with you to stay connected hands-free while starting your new adventure, add reminders, or create lists to remember those ideas when you are in your destination. Traveling with the family or want to keep your Spanish in top shape? You can use it in Spanish or multilingual mode so you can all have power over the playlist.

If you already have an Alexa-enabled device, you can now personalize it further by adding new Skills or even making your device bilingual with Spanish or multilingual modes, which is perfect for households with various language preferences. You can also use the new Spanish-language skill, Alexa Blueprints, that allows you to set up schedules, create daily reminders, or even surprise others with motivational messages to keep them going through the day.

  • Get Ready to Shine

Even if there won’t be a sprint to the locker on the first day of school, kids can still feel engaged and inspired by one or two new outfits. That’s not to say they need to kiss their PJ’s and hoodies goodbye, but wearing an outfit they feel good in will set their day up with confidence. Spending your first year of college at home, make your own dorm with everything you might need here. You can even get blue light glasses for kids or adults to protect the eyes from extensive screen times.

  • Curate Your Learning Space

Last spring, you were likely too consumed by securing toilet paper to even consider maximizing your homeschool area. With more and more schools switching to virtual classrooms, it’s important to create a space that is conducive to learning. While there’s nothing wrong with using your dining room table when limited on space, you can purchase small, easily assembled tables like the Mecor Kids Desk to be set up in your living room. Virtual schooling can be challenging, but you can reframe the experience by decorating desk areas with handmade posters, picture boards, and figurines. It’s another way to support small businesses, too.

Studies on human interaction with green spaces show that kids without access to greenery are more prone to mental fatigue. If you have a backyard or balcony, try to have a few lessons outside as long as it’s safe. If possible, set up the desk near a window so they have plenty of natural light during the school day.

  • Stock Up on Snacks

Learning—and being at home all day—makes everyone hungry. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re stocked up on all of our favorite school snacks. Save yourself the trouble of having to fill your cart with jumbo-sized snack packs at the grocery store by getting the snacks shipped. You can even keep them on an automatic refill on Whole Foods’ digital marketplace. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Hippeas
  2. Mini Sandwich Cheese Crackers
  3. Apple Sauce Pouches
  4. Pirate’s Booty
  5. Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups

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