The season finale of “The Boys” third season wrapped up just this Thursday and most are now eager to see what the fourth season will have to offer.

The fourth season of “The Boys” was officially announced on July 10 but it has yet to be known when it may premiere. Given that it was only revealed recently, a safe estimate to see the next season come is by the summer of 2023 or the spring of 2024.

For now, fans will have to make do with the rumors that abound. The superhero TV series has had its share of ups and downs, getting mixed reviews from critics and fans.

But the fact that it has lasted for three seasons means something. Also, it could be a way to motivate showrunners to make up for it with a slambang fourth season.

If that is the case, it means that preparations for the next season of “The Boys” could mean seeing it taking longer to produce. Regardless, all fans can do is wait and see what season 4 will have to offer.

As far as what to expect, the season three of “The Boys” finale has left fans with a couple of things to ponder. Among them include the issue of Ryan between Billy the Butcher and Homeland.

In the season 3 finale, Ryan could be seen opting to go to Homelander over Butcher. Hence, this could be a key development to determine the fate of the boy.

Show creator Eric Kripke provides some input on what to expect for next season’s plot when he spoke to E! News.

"A lot of the season will be a battle over Ryan, because if Homelander ends up raising and influencing the kids that's basically a second Homelander with apocalyptic stakes," Kripke said.

"The Boys" leaked photos from show creator Eric Kripke
"The Boys" leaked photos from show creator Eric Kripke Photo credit: Eric Kripke (@therealKripke) Twitter account

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