Ever since the show aired in 2014, "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" has been a nonstop hit. The show, which stars recurring actors such as Eiza Gonzalez and Wilmer Valderrama, is wrapping up its successful second season. With an intense and thrilling plot that's just too good to stop watching, the series will continue in a third season.
Miramax and El Rey Network have announced Tuesday that their one-hour scripted original has been renewed for season three. The popular show, which is a re-imagining of Robert Rodriguez's 1996 flick "From Dusk Till Dawn," expands on the fascinating supernatural crime saga centered around brothers Seth (D. J. Cotrona) and Richie Gecko (Zane Holtz).
“I’m so friggin excited that we are moving forward with another season of ‘From Dusk Till Dawn: the Series,” said Rodriguez in a statement. “This show has a passionate following, and I just love making it and directing episodes. We have a killer cast and the characters have gotten even more layered and magnetic and I can’t wait to take this story even further.” Miramax’s EVP of Film & TV, Zanne Devine, also agrees, stating that the renewal seemed natural due to the "tremendous team involved, led of course by Robert Rodriguez, Carlos Coto, our stellar cast, and our fascinating ‘Dusk’ universe that is like a never-ending well for unique storytelling."
The new season's air date is yet to be announced; however, don't miss out on season two's grand finale with guest appearance by Demi Lovato airing at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on October 27.
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