Last week, the dress, Lupita Nyong’o wore to the 87th Academy Awards, a Calvin Klein Collection dress designed by the Women's Creative Director of Calvin Klein, Francisco Costa embellished with a grand total of 6,000 white Akoya pearls, was stolen from her London West Hollywood hotel room. The police started investigating the crime, but before they found the thief, he anonymously called TMZ and announced the dress had been put back in a room that was under construction at the hotel. Much to everyone’s horror, the CK gown was dumped under a sink in a plastic bag. The question is, why after committing the "perfect crime" did the man decide to give it back? There's a perfectly good explanation. It turns out the man that stole the piece knew exactly where the hotel security cameras were, and therefore threw the dress from the balcony and someone picked it up from the ground.
Evidently he was asked why he had returned the dress, to which he responded that after taking two of the pearls off the dress for appraisal, he found out they were “worthless fakes!” This of course meant the dress was not worth the $150k initially disclosed, although a source close to Francisco Costa, told TMZ that no one from the brand ever said or implied that the pearls were real, “I always assumed everyone knew they were fake, but I guess not.”
The culprit who took the dress admitted he saw the actress’s Oscars gift bag, which is worth around $125k but instead went for the dress… guess he went for the wrong choice. Too bad!
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