Mexican TV personality Inés Gómez Mont and her lawyer husband, Víctor Manuel Álvarez Puga have reportedly fled Mexico after allegedly embezzling 3 billion Pesos ($146 million USD) from the Ministry of the Interior about five years ago.

After an arrest warrant was issued earlier this month, Mont wrote on Instagram that she and her husband "have not had access to that warrant, nor the proof that justifies it."

She also wrote that the two are preparing to face this process and exercise their rights.

A former employee of the TV presenter told TV Notas that she and her husband got to know about the arrest warrant beforehand and so, they ran off to the US to evade the law. The employee said that Mont is very scared due to these accusations, and is concerned about the legal action and 'what will they say' as she is somebody who has always lived by appearances. The source described her as a woman who competes with her friends or neighbors and sees who has more valuables, but now being identified as a probable criminal has hit her ego.

The source revealed that when the couple got married in 2015, suddenly Mont's fortune began to grow enormously and she started flaunting her ostentatious trips. She was investigated in 2016 for not presenting her statement properly as she "declared a lower amount of money than she had entered her accounts."

Her husband runs the Álvarez Puga & Asociados law firm with his brother. According to the former employee, the company has also been investigated for having obtained a large amount of money without properly proving where it had come from, but since they are a family of lawyers, they have been able to get around everything with tricks and protections.

The former employee said that now, they are in the US and don't think of returning until everything settles down. They would be immediately apprehended if they return to Mexico as their crimes are serious, and have being singled out for money laundering.

Meanwhile, the Mexican Attorney General's Office is doing everything to track the couple, and has requested that Interpol, the international criminal police organization, issue international location and capture orders against the two, according to Animal Pólitico.

Inés Gómez Mont
Inés Gómez Mont speaks during a press conference to present the show 'Familias Frente Al Fuego' at Televisa San Angel on June 24, 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico. Photo by Adrián Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images

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