Mexico Is the Top Choice for U.S. Residents to Buy
Mexico Is the Top Choice for U.S. Residents to Buy a Vacation House by a Long Shot Freepik

Mexico is the top choice for U.S. residents looking to purchase a vacation home, according to a study conducted by Latinometrics, which cites information from Point2. What makes Frida Kahlo's homeland so attractive to U.S. citizens? Could the ever-increasing Latino population living in the U.S. be a contributing factor?

We won't know for sure, but there are some facts regarding the Mexican population in the U.S. that could shed some light on these questions.

Before going further, a few clarifications: Latinometrics based the conclusion that Mexico is the most exciting country for U.S. residents who consider buying a vacation house on an analysis of Google searches during 2023. Therefore, the result might be more indicative of curiosity than of actual purchase intentions.

Latinometrics' analysis of Google searches during 2023
Latinometrics analyzed Google searches related to vacation home buying during 2023. Latinometrics on X/Twitter

An estimated 37.2 million Latinos of Mexican origin, considering both immigrants and U.S. born, lived in the United States in 2021, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey.

Mexicans constitute the largest group of people of Hispanic origin living in the United States, accounting for 60% of the demographic in 2021, as indicated by the Pew Research Center.

Mexico is just a short flight from the U.S., doesn't require adjusting to a different time zone, and boasts about 6,835 miles (11,000 kilometers) of coastline, with a considerable part enjoying warm weather all year round. It also offers "a spectacular food scene," as highlighted by Latinometrics.

Mexicans represent about 60% of Latinos in the U.S.
Mexicans make up approximately 60% of the Latino population in the U.S. Pew Research Center

This cultural element warrants a stopover. Over recent years, Latin cuisine has experienced a surge in popularity in the U.S. to the point where tortillas now outsell hot dog buns.

Tacos, in particular, have become so ingrained in the country's culture that a considerable number of people no longer perceive them as originating from Mexico. In fact a recent study by the Pew Research Center showed that Latinometrics conducted an analysis of Google searches in 2023. These are the other countries among the most popular possibilities.

About 11% of all restaurants in the United States offer Mexican food. Furthermore, 85% of counties have at least one Mexican restaurant, with the remaining 15% typically found in sparsely populated areas, representing only 1% of the country's total population.This translates to 99% of people in the U.S. residing in a county with at least one Mexican restaurant.

No surprise, foodie U.S. citizens might find Mexico a vacation heaven.

Latin American Top Choices for U.S. Residents to Buy a Vacation House

After Mexico, other popular destinations in Latin America, according to Google searches, include Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia. These countries experienced the most significant jump in search volume last year.

Each of these destinations offers a compelling case to purchase a vacation home, not to mention that the seasons are flipped: In most of South America, it's summer from December to March, making it a perfect escape from the cold without having to move time zones," the publication added.

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