Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo Denies Rape Allegations At Press Conference Photo by Miguel Riopa/AFP via Getty Images

A mother of an autistic Everton fan, who was was assaulted by Cristiano Ronaldo, has urged the Football Association (FA) that the footballer not be allowed to "get away with it again."

Sarah Kelly, 37, said that she didn't know how the footballer could sleep at night "knowing the distress he has caused to a young fan," reported Mirror.

FA has charged the Manchester United star after footage showed him knocking a phone out of Sarah's son Jacob Kelly's hand. The 14-year-old, who is an Everton fan, was left with a bruised and puffy hand as well as a broken phone. The Athletic reported that Ronaldo was charged by FA for the incident that happened after his team was defeated by Everton in April.

Sarah hopes that the Portuguese forward finally gets the right punishment, and that he "can't keep getting away with it. His behavior is unacceptable." Ronaldo accepted a police caution for assault and criminal damage last month. But Sarah branded it as the "tiniest slap on the wrist."

On Friday, FA said that Ronaldo had been charged with a breach of FA Rule E3. It is related to "improper and/or violent" conduct. Sarah said that FA's action had sparked a fresh wave of abuse against her and her teen son after they endured "six months of hell" from fans of Ronaldo. Sarah, of Upton, Merseyside, shared that she is being hounded by people saying that she is "dragging it up again but I didn't know anything about it."

She was furious that Merseyside Police had been the ones to pay to get the phone repaired. She added that Ronaldo "should have paid for that. He's the one who caused all this."

Meanwhile, Ronaldo suffered a blow on international duty in the Nations League for Portugal. It left his face a sight for sore eyes, reported Marca. During the 12th minute of Portugal's away game against the Czech Republic, the footballer rose to challenge for the ball. But he collided with the home team's keeper's outstretched hands. Tomas Vaclik had no malicious intent, but the former Sevilla keeper ended up giving Ronaldo a "bloody nose".

Ronaldo had to be patched up with a cotton pad, but he continued to play. Later it was revealed that he has fractured his nose. This injury could put him in doubt for the big game against Spain on Tuesday.

Cristiano Ronaldo
This is a representational image. Photo by Thomas Eisenhuth/Getty Images

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