Orange County Judge Cuts Sentence
A father and his son have been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for allegedly raping the man's intellectually disabled and underage daughter on various occasions for the past several years in Bhivandi, Thane, Mumbai, India. This is a representational image. Shutterstock

This story is going to make everyone a little sick. An Orange County, California judge has shaved off 15 years off a sentence for a man that was tried for sexually abusing a 3-year-old girl. The 20-year-old called Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto was playing video games in his home on June 4, 2014. The toddler wandered into the garage where he was playing and Kevin somehow became aroused by the girl. He pulled her pants down, attacked her and made her touch his penis, according to officials. While this was happening the mother of the 3-year-old was looking for her daughter. She went to the neighbors house and the baby was nowhere to be found.

To keep the child from crying it was that that Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto covered the toddler's mouth. The abuser then let the girl into the home where the mother finally found her. The 3-year-old then started complaining about pain and the mother found out what had happened to her. Kevin was convicted on December of a felony count of sexual intercourse of a child under the age of 10 and a felony count of lewd acts of a child under the age of 14. The minimum sentence he could face for these charges is of 25 years to life, but judge M. Marc Kelly ruled that it was unconstitutional because Rojano-Nieto didn't "stalk or seek out the victim."

Judge M. Marc Kelly looked over the facts and he concluded that there were no indications that it was intentional. “He was playing video games and she wandered into the garage. He inexplicably became sexually aroused but did not appear to consciously intend to harm [the victim] when he sexually assaulted her. As noted by defense, in an instant, he reacted to a sexual urge and stopped almost immediately,” Kelly said. “There was no violence or callous disregard for [the victim’s] well-being." The judge also added that Rojano-Nieto was raised in a dysfunctional family environment that made him an "insecure, socially withdrawn, timid and extremely immature young man." After the sentence, it is no surprise that prosecutors are going to appeal.

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