The Russian war with Ukraine has cost the former loftily and a Russian billionaire is calling on the West to put a stop to President Vladimir Putin’s insane war.

Oleg Tinkov, the founder of Russian digital bank Tinkoff Bank, said in an Instagram post that 90% of Russians were against the war. He also added that Kremlin officials were in a state of shock since they would no longer be able to spend their summers in the Mediterranean, CNN reported.

"I don't see a single beneficiary of this insane war," Tinkoff’s post read.

The brutal assault of Russia on Ukraine has resulted in the death of civilians, some also ending up wounded. Millions have already fled the country according to UN agencies.

Tinkov was among 65 individuals and entities sanctioned by the United Kingdom last Mar. 24 for supporting Russia’s illegal invasion.

Russia has felt the effects of their actions with about $300 billion of Russia’s reserves frozen following western sanctions. This has resulted in Russia plunging into a deep recession. Dozens of global businesses have exited the country, and the European Union has closed its airspace to Russian airlines and aircraft.

"The Kremlin's civil servants are in shock that not only they but also their children won't go to the Mediterranean this summer. Businessmen are trying save what's left of their property," Tinkoff said. "Please be more rational and humanitarian," he added.

Tinkoff is the latest known personality to call for appeals for peace. Others include Russian oil firm Lukoil as well as Oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and Oleg Deripaska.

Fridman, who was born in western Ukraine batted for the bloodshed to end.

For his part, Deripaska stressed the importance of peace and pointed out that negotiations need to start soon.

"Peace is very important! Negotiations need to start as soon as possible!" Deripaska said.

Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov
Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov Getty Images | OLGA MALTSEVA / AFP

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