Valeria Lukyanova, Real Life Barbie Doll, Gets Documentary: In 'My Life Online: Space Barbie' Ukrainian Model Says She Is From Outer Space [PHOTOS AND TRAILER]
A "real life Barbie" exists, and she is Ukrainian. But that's not all. She says she's a guru and from outer space. No, we're not kidding. Check out the trailer for her upcoming documentary here!
Neptune Moon: Scientists Use Hubble Space Telescope To Discover Small Moon Around 8th Planet [VIDEO]
NASA has discovered the 14th moon orbiting the 8th planet Neptune.
Baby ‘Monster’ Star Growing In Dark Cloud 11,000 Light Years Away, Say Astronomers
A baby star capable of outgrowing the sun was discovered in the Spitzer Dark Cloud by a team of astronomers.
Solar Tornadoes: Watch NASA Space Weather Footage Of Tornadoes On The Sun [VIDEO]
Video of tornadoes on the sun, and they are made of fire!
Justin Bieber Blasts Off Into Space On Virgin Galactic [VIDEO]
Justin Bieber and manager Scooter Braun to lift off into space on Virgin Galactic.
Space Mountain Closed: What Was Unsafe About The Disneyland Ride?
Space Mountain closed after safety citations in Disneyland.
Tom Cruise Aliens: Actor To Fly To Space To Find Them
Actor Tom Cruise may pay a pretty penny in order to fly into the Milky Way for the chance to meet aliens.
Antoine Winfield Released: Did Vikings Need More Cap Space?
The veteran cornerback is now a free agent.
'Space Spider' Dies in D.C. at Smithsonian Museum After Surviving 100 Days in Space
NASA mourned the loss of a proud member of its team Monday: "Nefertiti," a so-called "space spider," died at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. after spending 100 days in space
Russian-American Trio Head for Space Station
A Soyuz spacecraft carrying two Russians and an American blasted off on Tuesday for the International Space Station (ISS), where the men are to spend five months in orbit.