Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday, Aug. 22, that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is hampering the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and other treatments because of “political” reasons.
His accusations against the FDA was supported by the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on Sunday.
"What the president is specifically addressing is...a real frustration with some of the bureaucrats who think that they can just do this the way they normally do it," he said during an interview, in response to Trump’s original tweet. "Sometimes you have to make them feel the heat if they don't see the light. I applaud the president for putting out the tweet."
Trump targeted the FDA after it was announced by the agency that they intend to start distributing the coronavirus vaccine from November 1, 2020.
“Obviously they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!" Trump had tweeted on Saturday morning.
By saying “ deep state,” Trump targeted the government officials whose actions he thinks contradicts his preferences.
Trump has always focused on speed development and distribution of coronavirus vaccine, which the federal agency thinks that cannot be done unless the shot is proved to be effective and safe.
In July, a few days before Russia announced approval for its coronavirus vaccine, the FDA released a statement mentioning that it will “not cut corners” when it comes to vaccine development and approval.
"We really need to make sure that we have good science and the proper protocol, but we also can't wait around and assume that this virus is going to go away. This president wants real results," Meadows said during an interview on Sunday.
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