Donald and Melania Trump
Donald Trump Special Master Blocked From Review Of Mar-a-Lago Documents AFP

Donald Trump faced much condemnation from Democratic and Republican officials on Sunday after he suggested the termination of certain parts of the Constitution to accommodate his claims that the 2020 election was stolen. The former President called for this move on his Truth Social media platform stating that the great founders of the Constitution would not condone such fraudulent elections.

According to Associated Press, House representatives from surprisingly both parties expressed their disagreement over Trump's remarks as he called for the “termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution” that allow massive election fraud.

The White House bombed on Trump’s comments and directed a statement at him saing, “ You cannot only love America when you win.”

A statement from White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said, “The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country,” He added that attacking the Constitution and all that it stands for is malediction to the soul of the American nation.

A number of Republican Congress members appeared on different TV networks including Rep. Mike Turner and Rep. elect Hakeem Jeffries who voiced their opinions in condemnation of Trump’s comments. Jeffries said he found Trump’s remarks quite strange and extreme. He added that Republicans need to come together and work out issues with Trump to decide if they will continue to embrace his anti-democratic views.

“Republicans are going to have to work out their issues with the former president and decide whether they’re going to break from him and return to some semblance of reasonableness or continue to lean into the extremism, not just of Trump, but Trumpism,” Jeffries said.

At the same time, top Republican House Representative Mike Turner also condemned Trump’s comments saying these should weigh in greatly as a factor for Republicans to decide who should lead the party in the next elections. “I believe that people certainly are going to take into consideration a statement like this as they evaluate a candidate,” he added.

Trump announced his bid for the White House last month even as he faces criminal investigations that could lead to indictments. These came after the FBI seized documents from his Mar-a-Lago estate that pointed to questionable evidence of overturning the 2020 election results.

Donald Trump
Former U.S President Donald Trump speaks at a 'Save America' rally on October 22, 2022 in Robstown, Texas. The former president, alongside other Republican nominees and leaders held a rally where they energized supporters and voters ahead of the midterm election. Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images

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