Russia may have left Kyiv but not before leaving scars on the lives of several women who were reportedly sexually assaulted.

These claims have been mentioned several times and now some women who were victims of rape have shared their ordeal in a report by BBC.

One of them is a 50-year-old woman who was hidden under the name of Anna.

In her narration, Anna was reportedly taken by a young, thin Chechen fighter allied with Russia from her home. She was brought to another house where she was sexually assaulted by a foreign fighter.

"While he was raping me, four more soldiers entered. I thought that I was done for. But they took him away. I never saw him again," she said. She believes she was saved by a separate unit of Russian soldiers.”

When she was able to return home, Anna found her husband shot in the abdomen. Unable to bring him to the hospital for treatment, her husband died several days after.

"He had tried to run after me to save me, but he was hit by a round of bullets," she said.

Aside from Anna, there was also the case of another woman who was in her 40s. She was brought to another house but unlike Anna was not as lucky. She was allegedly killed after getting raped by soldiers.

There was also a third case of a woman in her 30s who had a young child. She too was raped by soldiers repeatedly. The soldiers threatened to kill her boy if she resisted.

The third woman and her son were able to escape and report the ordeal to authorities. Unfortunately, her home had been burned down and all police could do was record her testimony and gather evidence on what was left from their home.

"About 25 girls and women aged 14 to 24 were systematically raped during the occupation in the basement of one house in Bucha. Nine of them are pregnant," Ukraine's ombudsman for human rights Lyudmyla Denisova said.

Now, the first woman named Anna wants Russian leader Vladimir Putin to answer for these war crimes including rape.

"I don't understand. We're not living in the Stone Age, why can't he negotiate? Why is he occupying and killing?" she said.

Members of a Ukrainian police unit stand guard in Solomonovo village, Ukraine
Members of a Ukrainian police unit stand guard in Solomonovo village, Ukraine, west of Chop, close to the Hungary-Ukraine border, March 2, 2022. - The number of refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine has surged to nearly 836,000, United Nations figures showed on March 2, 2022, as fighting intensified on day seven of Russia's invasion. Photo by Attila Kisbenedek/AFP via Getty Images

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