Anne Coulter
Journalist Ann Coulter arrives at the Time 100 gala celebrating the magazine's naming of the 100 most influential people in the world for the past year, in New York April 29, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Ann Coulter declared herself a Donald Trump supporter since the beginning of this term’s Presidential race last year. Without shame, the journalist has mentioned that she decided to jump on the Trump boat ever since she heard his “Mexican rapist speech.”

On Wednesday, the “¡Adios America!: The Left’s Plan To Turn Our Country Into A Third World Hellhole” author made the headlines after declaring that she agreed with the GOP front-runner’s controversial stand on abortion.

“If Donald Trump was running for state legislature in the year 2060 after Roe v. Wade was overturned and happens to be in a place that will pass those laws, that’s a relevant question,” Coulter said during an interview on MSNBC's “Hardball.” “I think I’d be a lot more upset that women are going to get a lot more abortions if we don’t close our border with Mexico and bring all of Latin American rape culture.”

The Conservative commentator also added her posture regarding the on-going media attacks the Presidential hopeful faces on a daily basis for his insults towards women and stated, “I also think this ‘woman thing’ is coming from the media. It’s [not] as if he’s saying all these horrible things about women. He sent out one re-tweet about one woman – his opponent’s wife, but only after his wife attacked by that opponent.”

Coulter, just like her dear friend Mr. Trump, has previously made some horrific comments addressed to the Latino and Hispanic community in the country. “If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by Mexicans, there is nothing I can tell you,” she said during her chat with Univision’s Jorge Ramos in May 2015 to describe her feelings towards the immigration reform in the United States of America, and implying that citizens should fear immigrants more than ISIS.

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