Far-right radio host Alex Jones was forced to concede on Wednesday that he now believes that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre which killed 26 people did actually happen, as it appears that the court has found that Jones may have committed perjury in previous testimonies.
Alex Jones, who runs the conspiracy theory site Infowars, has peddled a false narrative in the past about how the Sandy Hook massacre was not real and that the grieving parents were actors, was forced to concede on court that the incident did occur after the parents of the children testified about the harassment they experienced due to Jones’s claims, according to the Associated Press.
“Especially since I’ve met the parents. It’s 100% real,” he said.
The court case right now is the parents attempting to seek damages for the distress and pain that Jones and his website Infowars has caused their family. All the plaintiffs are seeking over US$150 million in damages, while Jones claims that his company is bankrupt and is seeking to pay only $1 in damages, the Guardian reported.
The attorney of the Sandy Hook parents, Mark Bankston, showed that Jones’s company Infowars could make up to $800,000 a day in sales, which would equal to $300 million a year, putting Jones’s claims of bankruptcy into question. When Jones attempted to push the bankruptcy narrative towards the jury, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble put a stop to that directly, Reuters reported.
“It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth while you testify,” she said. “Yet here I am.”
The Sandy Hook parents have also sued Jones separately for declaring bankruptcy, claiming that he is attempting to shield his assets from what he owes the court and the families.
At one point, Bankston revealed to the court that Jones’s lawyer had sent him a digital copy of the Infowars owner’s phone logs with all of his messages over the past two years, and that Jones may have lied under oath when he claimed that he did not text or message anyone about Sandy Hook.
“That is how I know you lied when you said you didn’t have text messages about Sandy Hook,” Bankston.
After Bankston’s reveal regarding Jones’s phone, the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection has requested a subpoena of Jones’s texts, saying that it may give them an idea of Jones’s contacts with Trump’s team during the riots.

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