Fast and Furious 6
Fast and Furious 6 Fast and Furious 6

The first Fast and Furious 6 trailer aired in February, sending a shock wave of excitement among die hard fans of the car movie franchise. Amid the relentless action, the trailer fails to elaborate one significant detail -- how did Letty survive and why has she gone rogue?

Here to shed more light on Letty's story is the latest Fast and Furious 6 featurette.

Actor Vin Diesel stars as Dom Toretto once again and walks through the opening sequence of the trailer with the audience: "Dom in the beginning of the movie is on the run. He's obviously chosen a place with no extradition... but you get the sense that something's not right."

Next thing you know, DSS federal agent and elite bounty hunter Luke Hobbs shows up at Dom's doorstep to ask him to work with the Feds this time to stop an international criminal organization that is wreaking havoc in Johnson's jurisdiction. Knowing it won't be easy to get Dom to play ball, Hobbs hands out a special photo that was just taken a week ago. Letty is alive and dangerous.

The gang Letty has joined is led by a villain named Owen Shaw, a dishonorably discharged spec ops mercenary and convicted criminal that works for nobody but himself.

Playing the yin to Dom's yang, Owen stands for everything Dom does not. Owen Shaw has never been caught by authorities but Hobbs believes recruiting Dom will be exactly what's necessary to tip the odds back to justice's favor.

For Owen Shaw, Letty is his gang's secret weapon. Letty was thought to be killed by Fenix, a henchman that worked for drug trafficking kingpin Arturo Braga. Somehow, Letty managed to survive the assassination attempt.

Fast and Furious 6 producer Neal H. Moritz eventually plugs in the blanks -- while Letty managed to live, she now suffers from amnesia, completely forgetting her past life, her friends, and her family. What's more, she is now completely brain washed by Owen Shaw, hell bent on killing the crew that's trying to bring her back home.

Taunting Dom, Owen Shaw boasts, "This code you live by is about family.. it makes you predictable and that means I can reach out and break you whenever I want."

Unfazed, Dom answers, "I'm ready to go anytime. And when I do go, I'll know what it's for."

Be sure to watch the full Fast and Furious 6 featurette below!


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