A video showed a 24-year-old man shoving an autistic boy in a dustbin as a "joke."

In doorbell security camera footage, Jordan Scott was seen throwing Maverick Bond, then 8, into a blue dustbin, reported Mirror. He also violently assaulted the boy's 19-year-old sibling Jason Clemance, who had come to his rescue. As the dispute escalated between the two families, Scott was seen swinging punches at Jason in the video. In photos taken by mother, Rachel Clemance, Jason was seen with bruises and cuts across his face and body after the attack, according to Daily Mail.

Last week, Scott pleaded guilty to assaulting Jason and Maverick at Blackburn Magistrates' Court in England, but it was accepted that the attacker didn’t know the boy had autism at the time of the assault. It happened in Blackburn, Lancashire on Aug. 14, 2021. Scott put the boy in the bin as a poor taste “joke."

Scott was sentenced to a 12-month community service. He was also told to do 100 hours of unpaid work. He was ordered to pay compensation of 50 pounds ($60.34) to each of the assault victims, 95 pounds ($114.65) victim surcharge and 120 pounds ($144.82) costs.

Rachel said that the punishment that Scott got did not reflect the trauma that her family had gone through. She said that her sons were already suffering because of other things that have happened in their lives, which "people in the street knew about, including Jordan Scott." So putting her eight-year-old in a dustbin, brought all the past memories back, and he "couldn't understand why someone could do that to a person that wouldn't hurt a fly." According to her, the boy still has nightmares, and called Scott just "a down-right bully."

She shared that Jason started getting angry and more depressed following the attack and "moved out as soon as Jordan Scott moved back in next door with his girlfriend."

TDPel Media reported that she was "heartbroken at the sentence he received as bullies like him deserve more." Now, she just wants to get on "trying to build mine and my children’s lives." She also said that she was forced to leave the area as Maverick refused to go out and play unless she was around and watching over him.

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