iPhone 5
Apple's iPhone 5s will probably not be released until late September. Tumblr

September 10 is almost here and while to some it is just another day on the calendar to others it is the biggest event of the year, the Apple Media Event. Apple addicts are eagerly waiting the announcement of the iPhone 5S, the iPhone 5C and the iPhone 6. Rumor after rumor has flooded tech sites about when a possible release date would be announced. The video was posted by YouTube username "Matthias" and pokes fun at the constant so called upgraded iPhones launched by Apple.

The iPhone 5S parody shows two young guys, Bill and Mark, pretending to be designers from Apple talking about the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. The video opens up with Mark the CEO and "Senior Know-it-all" talking about the innovations at Apple. "Here at Apple we are obsessed with breaking new boundaries and today we throw all of that out the window and yet somehow still break boundaries. We have found a way to sell the exact same iPhone a year later by changing nothing but the name."

The iPhone 5S parody creators may be on the right track with their suggestion the iPhone 5S will not be as upgraded as people are hoping. With a better quality camera and a new fingerprint lock feature it seems the iPhone 5S will be virtually no different than the iPhone 5. "The S stands for same," Mark said in the video. "To create the new iPhone we started with a design we really loved," said Bill the CEO/WTF in the parody video. "And then stopped. The iPhone 5 has been hailed as the best phone of all time, because people said so," Bill said with a shrug.

The video continues by making fun of those who by Apple's iPhones and the also plays Apple evil geniuses because of their ability to sell the same product year after year with minimal upgrades and still make money. "What this tells u sis that people don't really want change," Mark said. "Their love for Siri proves that ignorance is bliss. They still want to go on unforeseen adventures with Apple maps. And the still prefer the phone to auto hang up on phone calls with annoying friends. So it would be stupid to change what is already perfection."

"I think there is a profound and enduring beauty with how much we are able to get away with," Bill said. "And we push that as far as we can." The video continues with more jabs at Apple and their phones. They mention the much anticipated iPhone 5C and say the "C" stands for "Cheep." They say the "C" is so affordable even the "peasants" can get one. The video ends with the fake Apple workers saying that the iPhone 5S is so similar to the iPhone 5 you'll never notice you upgraded.

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