A 39-year-old electrical worker, who was working in Florida, allegedly attacked his colleagues with a knife and a baseball bat, resulting in deaths of three people.

While two of them died earlier, the third one passed away Saturday night, reported Fox News.

During a press conference, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said that the suspect, Shaun Runyon, was working with a Pennsylvania electric company in Polk County, Florida, when an altercation made him return to his house and go on a rampage.

Following the dispute, Runyon punched a senior at his workplace around 2 a.m. Friday and ran away after which nobody saw or heard him until around 9.45 a.m. Saturday when cops got a report of a murder in a neighborhood where the suspect and his co-workers were being housed by the company.

A man renting a property in that same community, Windsor Island Resort, believed that he ran into the suspect when he stepped out for a walk around 9 a.m, according to 10 Tampa Bay. The man, who didn't want to reveal his name, said, “He had a bat, but at first, I thought it was one of those things construction people use to measure the ground." When he interacted with law enforcement, he realized the man whom he ran into was Runyon.

An investigation found that Runyon entered the house with a knife and a baseball bat. Judd said that Runyon stabbed and hit people inside the residence where seven people stayed. Authorities said that one of them was beaten to death in his bed, another was found dead on the front porch of the house and the third person who was badly injured during the attack died at a hospital Saturday night. Judd said that third victim was not expected to survive due to his "horrible wounds."

Runyon didn't target just three people during the rampage as he chased a fourth person from the house into the street and hit him in the shoulder and back with a baseball bat, said Judd. Another man, his wife and their seven-year-old daughter were able to flee from the residence without getting injured.

After the attack, Runyon fled the scene then an "intense" manhunt started that involved dozens of deputies, including the sheriff's office K-9 Unit and drone teams. Initially, the sheriff's office was able to track him down from a blood trail he left behind when he left the area, but the trail went dead and cops were unable to find him.

Covered in blood, Runyon showed up at a house in Lake Wales around 11.37 a.m and told a couple he was sexually assaulted. He was told by the couple to visit the hospital. It was at Lake Wales Hospital where he was arrested.

Judd said that Runyon confessed to the detectives, and said that he knew his victims. Runyon, who earlier faced criminal charges including endangering the welfare of children, is charged with one count of aggravated battery and three counts of first-degree murder.

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