A 42-year-old man helped save two children from a burning house in Little Stoke, Bristol in England after spotting the fire from his car.

Mark Taylor was driving through Bush Avenue on April 10 when he noticed a plume of black smoke. Initially he thought it was a bonfire, but as he edged closer, he realized the whole bottom floor of the house was alight, reported Bristol Live.

He immediately jumped into action, and called a young mother in an upstairs window. She dropped a baby into his arms, then he again caught a young boy from the woman with another man who joined to help. The two men then helped break the fall for the mother of the kids. Avon Fire and Rescue soon reached the scene and around 30 firefighters got to work on the fire that is believed to have happened accidentally. The woman and two kids along with neighbors were taken to the safety of the other side of the road.

In an interview with BristolWorld, Taylor described how he was on the way back from buying tea and biscuits from a shop when he spotted the fire at around 8.30 pm. He said that he jumped out his car and saw the neighbor alerting people then he saw the occupier of the house poking her head out of the "box bedroom window upstairs, she was understandably very distressed."

According to him, the fire was raging and he didn’t think anyone else "could help in time so I stood below and she dropped the baby into my arms." He said that then there was an "older boy, she dropped him down holding his ankles and I caught him with another chap who came to help." He shared that he and the man then helped the woman down while "there was glass around on the floor.

It was quite a drop and I was just happy they were all out and down safely." Sharing his experience, Taylor said that it was just one of those things, and he just feels "lucky I was there to help as I could, think anyone would do the same.”

Mirror reported that the father of the children thanked Taylor, who he said had "saved my kids’ lives."

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