A mother finds herself receiving a 12-month community service order for reportedly jumping out of her car and punching a rival mother in the street.

According to reports, the whole incident stemmed when a child patted another one’s backside.

The woman was identified as Jade Valentine, a mother of two, from Plymouth. Both ended up in a dispute after one child bum-patted another child, the court heard on March 2020.

Incensed, Valentine reportedly jumped out of the car with a child strapped in the back. She unloaded a series of punches on the other parent who ended up with several bumps and bruises as a result of the attack.

Aside from the punches, there was allegedly some hair-pulling that happened, the Mirror reported.

Valentine was handed a 12-month community service in an incident that was branded as pathetic and childish. She was also warned that she could face jail time in August if she did not serve the sentence.

It was added that she did only a fraction of the unpaid work and also failed to keep in touch while on probation.

The 28-year-old admitted she breached the order.

Judge Linford extended Valentine's community order and deferred sentencing in August and again in October to give her time to catch up on the work. The judge extended the order and deferred sentencing in August and then again in October.

Valentine had been ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work in March 2020 but only did 14 by August the following year

This was meant to give Valentine time to catch up on the unpaid work. She was also warned that if she missed another appointment without good reason that she would go to prison.

"I told you what was expected of you and you did what was expected. If you give consent I will extend the order until September 3," Judge Linford stated.

She had pleaded guilty to assaulting the woman causing actual bodily harm on May 16, 2019.

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