An Ohio mother lost custody of her daughter after allegedly running a fundraiser claiming that the child was dying of a terminal illness.

Lindsey Abbuhl of Canton city is accused of faking her 11-year-old daughter’s illness.

Abbuhl told people in her community that her home-schooled daughter, Rylee, had a terminal medical condition.

According to a neglect and abuse complaint, Abbuhl "has been using Rylee's 'medical condition' to obtain funding for trips, housing, and other expenses for the last several years."

The mother has been raising money using the sympathy of her friends, people in the community, and even local college sports teams.

The mother would actively document her daughter’s condition on her social media accounts and seek prayers for her good health.

"We don't know what her future holds, and we don't know if tomorrow will come for her each time we go to bed but the prayers and faith of all those we love helps keep us going!" Abbuhl posted.

The woman, who is a supervisor at a bowling lane, would organize bowling tournaments seeking funds to cover her daughter’s medical cost.

"Part of the weekly money goes to the bowling alley, the rest goes to Rylee. Message me if you'd like to sign up!" a fundraiser post read.

The mother was so convincing in her act that even the child believed that she was going to die. The girl even began asking her friends to be pallbearers at her funeral.

Ryle had been seeing a counselor for the past three years. The counselor helped the child learn how to "process her own death," a court document stated.

On Friday a court said that the child’s medical records proved no evidence that the girl was terminally ill.

"After a thorough review of the girl’s medical records… The medical professional indicates there is no evidence to support the mother's claim that (the girl) is terminally ill," the document stated.

However, the mother sticks to her story.

"Rylee sits in during her doctor appointments; she knows what's happening to her," Abbuhl told The Canton Repository.

"So calling me a liar is calling her a liar," she added.

Abbuhl is currently facing a criminal investigation. The child is now placed in the care of her father who had divorced the woman in 2017.

"I think Lindsey is very sick and needs help," Kate Marksell, a family friend told The Canton Repository.

"She thrives on attention, but doesn't know how to get it," Marksell said.

A GoFundMe page for Rylee raised more than $4,000. A spokesperson for GoFundMe told FOX 8 that the donations will be refunded.

Lindsey Abbuhl
Lindsey Abbuhl of Canton city is accused of faking her 11-year-old daughter’s illness. Lindsey Abbuhl official Facebook account

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