A group of paratroopers from the United Kingdom who were working for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is now currently under police investigation and banned from deployment after they filmed themselves having a consensual orgy with a woman.

The 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment, which was to be deployed in the Balkans soon, will also lose out on a medal after footage of them having a consensual orgy with a willing woman leaked to the public, according to the Times of London.

The group reportedly filmed themselves doing the orgy, which happened as many as 31 times in a five-month period, at the Merville barracks in Colchester, England while many of their fellow soldiers watched from the sidelines as the sex occurred, the Daily Beast reported.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, who took over the position of chief of the general staff less than a week after the scandal broke, said that he did not want to send the group abroad due to his unwillingness to “risk the mission or the reputation of the British army.”

“Recent events indicated that 3 Para is not demonstrating the levels of discipline and respect for others expected of one of our battalions,” he said. “I am not prepared to risk the Nato mission or the reputation of the British army by deploying 3 Para at this time.”

“My message to the army is clear — our licence to operate is founded on trust and confidence and we must hold ourselves to the highest standards,” Sanders wrote.

The Royal Military Police are investigating over eight paratroopers specifically for their involvement in the orgies, although Sanders has clarified that the military police themselves have indicated that they believe no crime occurred at the onset.

The deployment to the Balkans is normally for the yearly ten-day exercise Op Rehearsal in Bosnia and Kosovo as a way of training and practicing with other NATO countries and allies.

A British paratrooper battalion was banned from deployment by the British government after a sex tape emerged of the troops participating in a consensual orgy with a woman. This is a representational image. Joel Rivera-Camacho/Unsplash.

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