Video Of Mom Encouraging Kids To Take Halloween Candy Meant For Others Sparks Anger annekarakash/ Pixabay

Police in Eugene, Oregon are investigating several reports of razor blades found in candy children received on Halloween night. Detectives are looking into three more reports around the city as police released a statement posted on Facebook saying the razor blades discovered within the candy appear to be more akin to pencil sharpener blades.

According to Fox 12 Oregon, earlier reports of dangerous items found in Halloween candy said drugs and other substances could potentially find their way into bags mixed in with other goodies children received while trick-or-treating after concerns were raised about public safety.

In a news conference on Wednesday, Eugene Police Capt. Chris Harrison stated. The first reported incident of blades found within candy bars occurred on Halloween night. He said a parent was inspecting candy their children had brought home when they found a small slit in the candy bar wrapper. The concerned parent thought the cut in the candy bar was suspicious and inspected it further and found a small razor blade embedded in the candy bar.

Capt. Harrison mentioned the blade was about an inch in length and was reminiscent of those found in pencil sharpeners. Police received two similar reports on Tuesday, this time the razor blade was found carefully inserted inside the wrapper through small slits. The blades were inside two KitKat bars and an Almond Joy bar. Harrison mentioned that the tampered candy was picked up within a 4-by-4 block radius. The community was issued an alert, informing locals of the area where the said candy bars were picked up.

Harrison said that authorities have yet to identify any suspects. When asked about the techniques to be employed to catch the perpetrators, police declined to give a statement.

Stories of Halloween candy stuffed with razor blades and other dangerous items are a common urban legend in the United States, often joked about in memes and other media, but police said nothing was humorous about the reports being investigated. It was fortunate no one was injured he said, appalled by the idea someone would cause harm to children, especially during a family-oriented holiday.

Representation Image Kids dressed up on Halloween ottawagraphics /Pixabay