Amid reports of Vladimir Putin’s secret illness, the Russian President’s elite guards have reportedly been quietly bringing home his poo on foreign trips.

Over the years, he has cultivated the image of a virile and macho leader, but in recent months he has looked more frail and possibly puffy in the face, reported Mirror. Now there are reports that his excrement is brought home when he is on foreign trips. It has led to speculation it could be so Western powers don’t find out from his toilet visit any evidence of his illness.

Paris Match claimed that the regime’s Federal Protection Service is tasked with the unpleasant job of collecting his faeces. Once it's done, it's kept under armed guard. It is allegedly packaged up and put into a suitcase for a return back home in Russia.

According to one theory why this is done is that the Russians are paranoid about their "enemies" getting their hands on information about Putin’s health. They apparently don’t want any of his DNA being found.

Rebekah Koffler, president of Doctrine & Strategy Consulting, told Fox News that Putin fears the possibility of any information about "his health getting into the hands of foreign intelligence services." She added that the Russian leader wants to project the image that "he will be ruling Russia indefinitely in order to deter any chaos associated with a change of power."

Putin likely fears anyone using the excrement as evidence of some kind of weakness in his health, explained Koffler. She said that there is much speculation about him having a terminal illness, "the intelligence about his health is inconclusive." She noted that short of a terminal illness, he will likely be Russia’s President at least through 2024 and "possibly through 2036, given that his popularity has skyrocketed after the invasion of Ukraine."

But former BBC reporter Farida Rustamova shared that Putin carries a portable toilet whenever he goes on foreign trips. She said that her source, who is an old acquaintance of Putin's, told her that the "practice of taking his toilet to foreign trips has been around for years, and the Russian leader has been doing this since the beginning of his rule." She shared that while traveling around Russia, the President’s guards have the option of "clearing used facilities if needed; it is not convenient to do so abroad."

Daily Star reported that Putin’s latest public appearance at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum left many discussing his health. Some suggested various illnesses like cancer and Parkinson’s.

Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on the road construction development via a video link at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, outside Moscow, on June 2, 2022. Photo by Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

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