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Streaming experience for Latinos AFP

Bilingual and non-bilingual Hispanics in the U.S. are watching very different content, according to a study by App Science.

The report shows that the bilingual cohort is far more likely to watch anime than those who only speak Spanish. Moreover, the former also are much more prone to have Paramount+ and Hulu. In contrast, the latter predictably show a higher affinity for Spanish-only and sports content. And while they seem to favor free services, indexing on Canela TV and Tubi, the report shows that they are more likely to pay for sports content.

The conclusions come at a time when this demographic is quickly turning to streaming. According to a study by Nielsen, Hispanic adults' total time spent on streamed content was higher than 50% in July this year, 13% higher than the average for the general population. However, viewers who speak mostly Spanish continued to turn to broadcast channels.

This might also have to do with age, as the different generations showed a divergence of choices when it came to media. While the younger ones turned to streaming, older respondents said they still prefer broadcast television.

Advertisers usually take note of these preference. Nielsen's figures also show that 63% of Hispanics are more likely to buy from brands that represent their demographic in their advertising, while 84% favor those who they perceive to play a positive role in their communities.

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