A 38-year-old woman, who was not vaccinated against coronavirus, gave birth to a premature baby boy and later passed away from COVID-19.

On July 9, Kristen Roy was 22 weeks pregnant with her son Elijah when she got to know that she was infected. A week later, she was hospitalized in Bloomington in Indiana, but had difficulty in breathing. Doctors said that she had COVID pneumonia in lungs. She was placed on a ventilator, and was admitted to another hospital in Indianapolis, reported Mirror.

By mid-August, her health had become worse and more than 10 doctors performed a C-section to save the life of her unborn son. Kristen’s family were told that she might not survive the operation while delivering her child. She survived, but was unconscious, so she could not meet her son.

Her husband Matthew said that their baby, Elijah, survived against "all the odds," but was about 10 weeks premature. When Kristen died two weeks later, her husband was there by her bedside.

Meanwhile, Elijah's aunt, Courtney Burke, said that the baby is alive and doing well, which she thinks is no less than a miracle. Burke told WTHR, “Her (Kristen) being on all that life support is what gave him (the baby) that time to get to where he could be born and have a chance."

Burke said that Kristen was excited about being a mom, but didn’t want to get the vaccine immediately because she was unsure about how it might affect the child. Her doctor later recommended it, so Kristen made an appointment but by that time, it was too late.

She believes that Kristen saved her son's life, and held on "long enough for him to be born." Burke said that her family will make sure the baby boy has a good life. She hopes her sister’s story will convince other pregnant women to get the jab, and maybe her death won’t be for nothing. Burke said, “It was too late for her, but it’s not too late for so many other pregnant women out there."

Kristen's other sister, Tonya Cruser, has created a GoFundMe page to help the family deal with the medical expenses.

A 22-year-old rape victim reportedly died while she was undergoing a forced abortion in Varanasi, India on Friday, Aug. 12. This is a representational image. Pixabay

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