Haitian migrants
A boat carrying Haitian migrants AFP

The U.S. Coast Guard said it has continued returning Haitians escaping the country's chaotic situation following a series of interdictions at sea.

In a press release, the Coast Guard said it returned almost 200 "following two migrant voyage interdictions" earlier this month. One had left from the northern city of Cap-Haïtien and the other from Île de la Tortue, but were returned after respective interdictions.

"Irregular maritime migration is unlawful and extremely dangerous. The OVS maritime border security mission is often equal parts law enforcement and humanitarian response, especially as we enter hurricane season and marine weather becomes more severe and unpredictable," said Lt. Nick Fujimoto, Coast Guard District Seven enforcement officer in a passage of the press release.

"The Coast Guard urges any potential migrants considering the journey: don't take to the sea and risk your life just to be sent back. Use the safe, orderly and lawful pathways available like the CHNV process."

The interdictions have continued despite calls from advocates who have urged the Biden administration to allow the arrival of more Haitians while the country grapples with a deep political, economic and social crisis as gang violence continues unabated.

In late May, the United Nations' refugee agency (UNHCR) called on the United States to stop forcibly deporting Haitians, urging the Biden administration to "refrain from forcibly returning Haitians who may face life-threatening risks or further displacement." Other organizations echoed the message after a deportation flight that took place shortly before.

Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director at America's Voice, said back then that "sending Haitians back amidst political turmoil and increased gang attacks will worsen human suffering."

"We support the calls from community members and organizations like the Haitian Bridge Alliance and others in urging President Biden to provide protections for Haitian families and immediately stop cruel deportation."

Haiti continues to face an uncertain scenario, although it's taking steps toward rebuilding its institutions. Last week, newly-appointed prime minister Garry Conille announced the formation of a new transitional government.

Conille held a ceremony to announce who will be his 14 ministers (down from the originally planned 18) after days of negotiations with the members of the transitional council, which represent the country's different political parties and sectors.

According to The Miami Herald, most members of the new cabinet are unknown in the political sphere or relative newcomers. Most were suggested by the seven-member transitional council.

The interim government's actions will be influenced by whether an international force tasked with helping the country face armed organizations finally gets the green light. Last Wednesday, a Kenyan court postponed a hearing on a new lawsuit against the deployment of the forces for another two weeks.

Forces were supposed to start arriving on May 23 to coincide with a visit by Ruto to the White House. Prior to leaving the U.S., the head of state said the deployment would take place about three weeks from then. Three weeks on, there is no set date either.

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