Valentine’s Day is approaching and these upcoming weekends would be perfect to get all your Valentine’s shopping done, including the card. I don’t know about you guys, but when I buy a card, I like to add a little extra message, hand-written and all to show that I put a little extra thought on it.
Although anything Latino or in Spanish is having a major buzz right now, there are probably Spanish cards that you can buy. But let’s say you want to add something more, and completely steal your Valentine’s heart. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s say that your sweetheart speaks Spanish, and you haven’t quite understood the language yet. Or maybe you speak Spanish but just don’t know how to be romantic. We’ve gathered 10 messages and translated them for you, so you can add them to your Valentine’s card this year. You’re welcome.
“Si me dieran a elegir entre mi mundo y tú, elegiría mi mundo porque mi mundo eres tú.”
(If I had to choose between my world and you, I would choose my world because my world is you.)
“A veces me pregunto por qué la vida es tan bella. Ahora ya lo se, porque tú estás en ella.”
(Sometimes I wonder why life is so beautiful. And now I know. It’s because you’re in it.)
“Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por como soy yo cuando estoy contigo.”
(I love you not only because of who you are, but because of who I am when I’m with you.)
“Aunque no sepa quererte de la forma que a tí te gustaría, siempre te querré con todo mi corazón de la mejor forma que sepa.”
(Although sometimes I don’t love you the way you would like, I will always love you with all my heart the best way that I can.)
“No cambiaría un minuto de ayer contigo por cien años de vida sin ti.”
(I wouldn’t change yesterday’s minute with you, for a hundred years without you.)
“Soy feliz de compartir cada instante de mi vida a tu lado.”
(I’m happy to share each moment of my life by your side.)
“Tu amor me inspira, tu ternura me conmueve y tus besos me enloquecen.”
(Your love inspires me, your tenderness touches me and your kisses drive me crazy.)
“Desde que te conocí no hago nada más que pensar en ti.”
(Ever since I met you I do nothing else but to think of you.)
“Nuestro amor es como el viento. No puedo verlo, pero puedo sentirlo.”
(Our love is like the wind. I can't see it but I can feel it.)
“Anoche miré al cielo y empecé a dar a cada estrella una razón por la que te quiero tanto. Me faltaron estrellas.”
(Last night I looked at the sky and I gave each star a reason why I love you, those stars weren't enough.)
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