Video Shows Apprehension Of Casey And Vicky White After Prison Escape Photo by Nicolas Cool on Unsplash

A reward of $5,000 has been given to an individual who was able to provide information on the whereabouts of escaped prisoner Casey White. The Alabama escaped inmate is the infamous prisoner lover of former corrections officer Vicky White who shot herself to death during the police chase.

According to ABC News, Gov. Kay Ivey gave directions to the Finance Department to issue the reward money to the said individual for the “valuable assistance" that was provided to law enforcement in the apprehension of Casey White.

The recipient of the reward has chosen to remain anonymous and officials choose not to divulge or describe what information was provided. However, James Stinson, manager of Weinbach Car Wash in Evansville, identified himself as one of the tipsters who alerted police after he had towed the Ford F-150 truck which turned out to be the truck that broke down and was abandoned by the couple. It is not known if Stinson will receive the reward money but thousands of dollars are reportedly being raised by the public to reward Stimson.

The official reward money was recommended to the governor’s office by Lauderdale County District Attorney Chris Connolly.

“Thanks to the good information from this citizen and the diligent work from law enforcement in Alabama all the way to Indiana, we were able to put the bad guy behind bars where he belongs. I look forward to justice being served," Ivey said in a statement.

Casey White surrendered to police after the brief chase, however, his lover Vicky White died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The couple was discovered hiding out in Evansville, Indiana after a manhunt for them sparked international attention. They left Alabama on April 29 after Vicky had planned an elaborate escape for Casey. They drove through Tennessee and Indiana leaving behind the broken-down Ford F150 truck. The manhunt took nearly two weeks as the pair were tracked while staying at a motel.

Casey has been returned and handed back to Alabama authorities on May 10 and is now serving time in state prison. Meanwhile, the motel room they had stayed in at Evansville has been reportedly raking in big bucks from crime fanatics wanting to get a feel and experience of Room 150, the actual room Vicky and Casey White rented out. The exact room they stayed in at Motel 41 has been generating a long waiting list of guest reservations and has been drawing up prices with offers of up to $150 a night even just to stay in the room next to Room 150.

Representation Image Prison tower Public

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