Trump and Biden
Close to half of Latino men prefer Trump over Biden AFP

Latino men are disproportionately more likely than other "diverse" voters to prefer former President Donald Trump over incumbent Joe Biden in the 2024 election matchup, according to a new poll by My Code Media.

The study showed that 44% of all Latino men respondents would choose the presumptive Republican nominee over his Democratic counterpart, in contrast with 38% of all diverse voters. When accounting for Latina women, the figure reached a 38% parity, a better scenario for Trump than the 43%-33% matchup among all multicultural groups surveyed.

A larger percentage of men are registered to vote than the poll's average, and Latino men are among the most likely to have done so, with 81% of all respondents.

The figure is larger than all multicultural men (79%) and Latino women (73%), so this inclination for Donald Trump could have a larger impact at the polls. Overall, 84% of all Latino respondents said they intend to vote in the November elections.

At a more granular level, 38% of respondents said they lean Democrat, the figure being 32% for Republicans. An additional 12% said they would split their ticket and a remaining 15% that they haven't made up their mind yet.

Overall, Latinos are more likely than other diversities to lean Republican, the figure being 18% for Blacks, 26% for AANHPI and 22% for LBTQIA+ respondents. The average for all multicultural demographics surveyed was 27%.

This can also be explained by the fact that Latinos were also more likely than others to disapprove of Joe Biden's job so far in his presidency. 46% of respondents gave that answer, compared to 43% who approve. Overall, 45% approved of Biden and 42% disapproved. A similar scenario could be seen when evaluating the performance of Vice President Kamala Harris.

When naming the most important issue ahead of the elections, inflation is set to "have the biggest impact on how diverse Americans and women intend to vote in 2024." "Racial equality is a top issue for Black Americans, while reproductive healthcare is a top issue for LGBTQIA+ Americans and women," the report added.

Looking at immigration, a majority of diverse Americans and women "support prioritizing humanitarian affairs when addressing the U.S.-Mexico border," as well as "reforming the immigration system to create a pathway to citizenship."

However, when given choices about what the government should prioritize, more Latinos (33%) said they want "the government to prioritize humanitarian affairs and stopping border crossings equally." 23% said they'd prioritize humanitarian affairs and 24% chose stopping border crossings. The figures are similar to the average for all multicultural respondents.

As for border enforcement put against reforming the immigration system, again a large majority said effort should be put in both issues, with 38% of Latinos saying this. It compared to 24% who chose reforming the system to create pathways to citizenship and 20% who want stronger enforcement at the border.

Moreover, over four in ten Latinos said they are more likely to vote for Biden because of Trump's initiatives to remove birthright citizenship as well as detaining and conducting mass deportations of immigrants.

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