A man was reportedly burned alive by an angry mob after he allegedly mercilessly murdered a 5-year-old child for trespassing and playing in his compound in Dibrugarh district, Assam, India on Saturday, March. 12.

The accused, Sunit Tanti, has been reported dead after being burnt alive by a group of agitated tea garden workers on Saturday, March 12, after he allegedly killed a five-year-old boy named Ujjal Mura, by slitting his throat with a knife, for playing in his compound in Dholajan Tea Estate located in upper Assam, India, the Times Of India reported.

While Mura was playing with his friends in Tanti's compound, the suspect, who was said to be mentally unstable by his neighbors, got visibly irritated, suddenly pulled out a knife in a fit of rage, and slit the child's neck with the blade.

Mura, who suffered grievous injuries in the attack, succumbed to his wounds and died instantly. Following the violent incident, Tanti tried to flee the scene. However, local villagers, who got angry after witnessing the gruesome murder, chased down Tanti for half a kilometer before managing to catch him. They proceeded to thrash the suspect and set him on fire alive, OpIndia reported.

“The tea garden workers chased Tanti for half a kilometer before burning him alive,” a nearby resident said.

Following this, law enforcement responded to the scene after they were notified about the gruesome incident and launched an investigation into both killings. No arrests have been made regarding the incident as of now.

In a similar but unrelated incident, a man allegedly killed his 6-year-old nephew by smashing his head in with a hammer after believing that the child's family was responsible for the dispute between him and his wife. The incident happened in Kerala, India on Oct. 3, 2021, News18 reported.

On Oct. 3, the accused, identified as Mohammad Shan, barged into the victim's house in the wee hours and attacked the family with a hammer. The child reportedly died on the spot from his fatal injuries.

The boy’s 15-year-old sister escaped the assault and sought help. Hearing the screams, neighbors rushed to the home to help. Upon seeing the neighbors, Shan fled the scene. The victim's mother and grandmother were left seriously injured in the attack and were rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The officers managed to track Shan's mobile phone location and arrested him the next day.

A former NFL athlete has been charged with murder and tampering with evidence after he allegedly burned his girlfriend’s body after killing her last year. This is a representational image. PIXABAY

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