A Saudi Arabian man has reportedly moved to divorce his wife after discovering that she used to smoke before their marriage.

The woman reportedly recently revealed to her husband that she had the habit of smoking cigarettes a long time before the couple got married. However, the woman had already quit smoking and had not touched a cigarette in a long time.

However, the shocking revelation was reportedly too much for the husband to handle. The husband subsequently insisted on ending their marriage and getting a divorce, saying that there was no guarantee that she would not resume smoking. The husband then filed for a divorce, stating that he did not like women smoking and that being married to a wife who used to smoke could impact his "social status," Gulf News reported.

After filing for the divorce, the husband got a verdict issued in his favor to end his marriage. The judge also ordered the wife to pay back her husband the dowry she got before their union which reportedly totaled around US$47,980 (180,000 Saudi Riyal).

According to a study conducted by the General Authority for Statistics, Saudi Arabia has witnessed a significant increase in the rate of divorce with seven cases of divorce being reported every hour in the Kingdom.

In a similar but unrelated incident, a Saudi woman reportedly demanded a sudden divorce after finding out that her husband is bald just two days after their wedding in Abu Dhabi, Latin Times reported.

The husband reportedly concealed his baldness from his wife during and before their engagement by wearing a ghutra, a traditional Saudi cotton headdress. However, a few days after their marriage, the woman saw her husband without the headdress and realized that he was bald.

The wife stated that her husband kept her in the dark about his baldness and demanded that she needs a divorce as she felt betrayed.

“I feel embarrassed in front of my friends and relatives and I have concerns that my children could be prone to baldness. It is difficult for me to live with him anymore,” she said.

The couple reportedly got married only two days before the lawsuit was filed. The issue came to light when the woman spoke of her concerns during a counseling session that was set up at the family court.

The officials at the marriage counseling center reportedly tried to dissuade the woman from going forward with the divorce over the trivial issue, but the woman remained adamant in her decision.

A Saudi Arabian man has reportedly moved to divorce his wife after discovering that she used to smoke before their marriage. This is a representational image. Reuters/Shailesh Andrade

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