Researchers have recently observed a rather distressing phenomenon -- quarantine fatigue. A large number of Americans feel that it takes double the effort to keep your energy levels up while wading through the stay-at-home orders.

Myriad reasons have been attributed to the perpetual lull that one commonly experiences amid the lockdown: Uncertainty in jobs compounded by added domestic responsibilities. “This is due to so many reasons. One is we’re all experiencing so much change and unpredictability in our life,” said Mary Fristad, a psychologist to a media outlet.

“A lot of people are feeling very anxious, particularly if they’re having financial difficulties, which so many people are. The extra demands of getting through the tasks of the day, when suddenly parents are supposed to be working from home and also providing education for their children, add up to an exhausting schedule for many people,” added Fristad.

What’s important to note is that everyone is experiencing a certain degree of discomfort in challenging times like these. Those stuck in work-from-home jobs have complained of eye strain and fatigue out of spending long hours in front of the system. Several others have reported feeling rather empty owing to the lack of real human interaction—with friends, colleagues, neighbors, and the like.

The fatigue is also being linked to the lack of adequate stimulation. “There is overstimulation from constant information influx and uncertainty as to what will come from this information, and this is tiring,” said Jessy Warner-Cohen, Ph.D., MPH, a senior psychologist with Northwell Health in Lake Success, New York. “There is also fatigue associated with a lack of stimulation. Not having a change in the environment is difficult. People are both in an under-stimulated and overstimulated state, and both can result in negative impacts on mood,” Warner-Cohen added.

On the brighter side, the feeling of periodic hopelessness isn’t entirely incurable. A change in routine peppered with adequate amounts of rest and physical exercise could be the solution. While heading to the gym won’t be possible, experts suggest youngsters and working adults take advantage of virtual fitness videos. While you could be craving for a great evening out with friends, that’s probably not what you really need.

The quarantine can begin to feel claustrophobic if you’re surrounded by too many family members. So, ensure you invest in quality “me” time. This could be a scheduled one hour that’s categorically allocated in your daily routine to unwind. Lastly, developing a charitable attitude will do you a power of good. Try signing up for something that will help someone out there. These are effective ways to up your mood without giving in to unhealthy habits like drinking at home, binge-watching, and digging into junk food.

The documentary demonstrates Guangzhou's prevention and control work from January 22 to March 22, 2020. It is expected to share the Chinese city's experience with countries and people that are fighting COVID-19. Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash

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