The Taliban has ordered western Afghanistan shop owners to remove the heads of female mannequins as it is a violation of Islamic law against idol worship. A video clip of men beheading the plastic female dummies was reported last Wednesday.
Taliban managed to return to power in August 2021, and they firmly imposed their point of view and interpretation of Islamic law, which affected women and girls particularly.
"We have ordered the shopkeepers to cut the heads off mannequins as this is against (Islamic) Sharia law," Aziz Rahman, the head of the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in the city of Herat, was quoted as saying by AFP.
"If they just cover the head or hide the entire mannequin, the angel of Allah will not enter their shop or house and bless them," Rahman stated even after some vendors initially responded by covering the heads of mannequins with plastic bags or headscarves. A video clip went viral, showing the cutting of heads of the figures.
There are a growing number of oppressed women in Afghanistan. An Iranian journalist and global women's rights activist released a message to the people of the United States and the president, Joe Biden administration, not to forget them.
According to Masih Alinejad on Monday, conditions for Afghans continue to deteriorate under the Islamic Taliban government, observance of any other religion but Islam has been banned. She expressed the pain that the people of Afghanistan and Iran are currently experiencing. Alinejad stated that she is still in contact with women in Afghanistan who are all scared about their daily life and frustrated at the lack of American and international support. She called this "a betrayal for all of those politicians around the world" as they are all witnessing the people being beheaded and shot.
"That actually breaks my heart, that people don't realize this is happening in 21st century. All of the women of Afghanistan who had the chance to have a part in parliament and media are being pushed back behind a curtain again. But women in Afghanistan are brave enough and are taking to the streets… They are calling [on] the rest of the world to hear their voices as well."
Alinejad also mentioned how Afghans and Iranians only seek respect and importance for their human rights; however, they feel abandoned by the international people and officials.

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