The campaign to get anti-trans hate forum Kiwi Farms dropped by its web services providers appears to be successful, as a Russia-based provider dropped the site from its roster on Monday, days after major Internet service company Cloudfare dropped the company as well.

DDoS-Guard, the Russian website provider that forum Kiwi Farms went to after being dropped by American service provider Cloudfare on Saturday, also dropped the site on Monday following complaints that it received regarding the sites, according to the Associated Press.

“Having analyzed the content of the site, we decided on the termination of DDoS protection services,” the site said.

Kiwi Farms, an Internet forum site well-known by many for its harassment and doxxing campaigns against transgender individuals, feminists, and people of color, found itself in the spotlight after their members doxxed prominent transgender Twitch streamer Clara “Keffals” Sorrenti, who launched the #DropKiwiFarms campaign in response, CNN reported.

Keffals was swatted in her home in Canada by members of the Kiwi Farms forum, and has been forced to flee to Belfast, Northern Ireland, where she was promptly doxxed by members of the forum who were able to track her there. Local police from Northern Ireland are currently investigating the threats.

Cloudfare CEO Matthew Prince had attempted to keep Kiwi Farms in its roster due to their discomfort at their power over the site’s continued existence, but caved to pressure due to “an unprecedented emergency and immediate threat to human life.”

Joshua Moon, the owner of the website, found himself angered at the deplatforming of the site after the Russian website provider dropped them in the face of complaints, ranting about “a coalition of criminals” that he claims are after the site, Kotaku reported.

“These criminals provide opportunities for professional victims to amplify their message,” he said, before elaborating: “This is a machine that was built up formerly against 8chan and activates any time the cathedral wants to test the new fronts of its censorship. It is a massive amalgamation of various interests.”

Keffals, meanwhile, has declared victory over the site in a statement to the public.

“The countless victims of Kiwi Farms can sleep soundly knowing that the site is doomed, will never regain it’s former momentum, and will continue to bleed followers and become more and more irrelevant with each passing week,” she said.

“Thank you all for helping me and every other person affected by Kiwi Farms seek justice. Today the world is a better place.”

A second internet service provider has dropped the anti-trans hate forum Kiwi Farms on Monday, as the #DropKiwiFarms campaign led by a prominent trans streamer continues to gain momentum across the world. This is a representational image. Sergey Zolkin/Unsplash.

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