
Buckeye Firearms Foundation Raises $12K To Buy Zimmerman Guns

“The Department of Justice refused to return him his gun, and he’s in need of protection,” said Ken Hanson, the group's legal chairman. “The money is intended to be used for anything he needs to defend himself or his family. He has complete discretion on how to use the money.”

Obama skeptical of NRA proposal to put more guns in schools

President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast on Sunday he hopes to get new U.S. gun control measures passed during the first year of his second term and is skeptical of a proposal by the National Rifle Association (NRA) gun lobby to put armed guards in schools.

Newtown Goes Back to School; Guns Pulled from Shelves

Students returned to school in the shattered Connecticut town of Newtown on Tuesday for the first time since a gunman's rampage killed 26 people in an elementary school, reviving the gun control debate in Washington and prompting a retailer to pull guns from shelves.
