Crime Scene
Oklahoma Sky Darkened By Massive Cold Front Photo: Getty Images

Stranger things have been heard of these days but this unfortunate incident has to be the most troubling one to date. A man from Oklahoma confessed to killing three people and also cutting out the heart of a woman which he cooked and fed to his family “to release demons.”

According to The Oklahoman, the suspect was identified as Lawrence Anderson who allegedly stabbed 41-year-old Andrea Lynn Blankenship at her home in Chickasha last Feb. 9. After the murder, Anderson reportedly cut out her heart and brought it to 214 West Minnesota where he cooked it potatoes to feed his family. The reason behind it was to allegedly release demons.

Anderson is said to be staying at the West Minnesota address where he lived with his aunt and uncle, Delsie and Leon Pye after he was released from prison last January. After feeding his relatives. The 42-year-old killed his uncle and his four-year-old granddaughter, Kaeos Yates.

Delsie Pye was also stabbed but survived the attack. Anderson was apprehended on the same day of the murders.

However, authorities only discovered the body of Blankenship two days later after Anderson confessed at an Oklahoma hospital. He is now held at the Grady County jail and the official charges filed against him remain unknown, although prosecutors allegedly plan to pitch the death penalty. The 42-year-old has had a long criminal record tied to drugs and domestic violence.

Right now, there has been an outrage for Anderson tied to his release last January. He was originally sentenced to 20 years in 2017 but got out after Gov. Kevin Stitt commuted his time.

His sentence was whittled down to nine years at the recommendation of the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board. However, Anderson served only about three years.

“This has to be addressed by the Legislature, sooner rather than later, because more people are going to get killed,” Grady County District Attorney Jason Hicks said last Feb. 11.

A man who reportedly raped his mother while under the influence of alcohol has been sentenced to life imprisonment in Gondia, Maharashtra, India on Monday, Jan. 31. This is a representational image. ANURAK PONGPATIMET/Shutterstock

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